We are looking for folks to join our board and fill other leadership positions. We will also be looking for climbing area ambassadors to be the “boots on the ground”. Do you want to join our team and drive EPAC forward?
There is never a fee for being part of the EPAC community. However, financial support is needed to help grow the organization as well as to create a fund for projects. EPAC is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Area businesses and organizations are welcome to support EPAC. Monetary and in- kind donations are greatly appreciated. Sponsorship opportunities will be coming soon, but please reach out if you have an idea.
By joining or renewing your Access Fund Membership, you can directly support EPAC and local climbing. The Access Fund Joint Membership program is the best of both worlds. You get all the great membership benefits of being an Access Fund member and a portion of your dues go directly to EPAC.