EPAC Community Meeting 2023
VirtualEach year EPAC hosts an open Community Meeting and welcomes all climbers to attend. This is our way of sharing what EPAC has been doing, hearing the needs […]
Each year EPAC hosts an open Community Meeting and welcomes all climbers to attend. This is our way of sharing what EPAC has been doing, hearing the needs […]
Gym To Crag: 6-7pm FREE to attend! For those new to outdoor climbing or outdoor curious, this is a great way to get started. We also welcome seasoned climbers to join us and lend their experience and stories to the conversation. Community Meeting: 7-730pm FREE to attend! This is EPACs first community event in the […]
Gym To Crag: 6-7pm FREE to attend! For those new to outdoor climbing or outdoor curious, this is a great way to get started. We also welcome seasoned climbers to join us and lend their experience and stories to the conversation. Community Meeting: 7-730pm FREE to attend! We invite climbers to take a moment and […]
Please lend a hand to our friends at the Birdsboro Area Climbers Association. Volunteers needed to meet at the kiosk at 9:00 am or wander in at any point to […]
We are excited to partner with Friends of the Wissahickon for our second clean up event. This time we will be headed to the "Revolutionary Ridge" area to do general […]
Gym To Crag: 7-8pm FREE to attend! For those new to outdoor climbing or outdoor curious, this is a great way to get started. We also welcome seasoned climbers to join us and lend their experience and stories to the conversation. Community Meeting: 8-8:30pm FREE to attend! We invite climbers to take a moment and […]
We are looking for some awesome volunteers for an Adopt a Crag at Mocanaqua. Meet in the parking lot at 9am for an introduction to the local climbing organization, safety […]
We need volunteers for an Adopt a Crag at Boxcar Rocks. Meet in the parking lot at 9:00am for an introduction to the local climbing organization, safety briefing, and prize […]
Please help our friends at The Lebanon Valley Conservancy! Volunteers are needed to clean graffiti off of rocks. Cleaning agent, tools, and safety gear will be provided. Location is State […]
Gym To Crag: 6-7pm FREE to attend! For those new to outdoor climbing or outdoor curious, this is a great way to get started. We also welcome seasoned climbers to join us and lend their experience and stories to the conversation. Community Meeting: 7-730pm FREE to attend! We invite climbers to take a moment and […]
EPAC is excited to partner with Access Fund to present a technical trails workshop. The best thing about it? It's FREE. EPAC was able to secure a Regional Trail Workshop […]
Please lend a hand to our friends at the Birdsboro Area Climbers Association. Volunteers needed to meet at the kiosk at 9:00 am to help keep the climbing area clean […]