
SWPACC – Game Lands Access Update


SWPACC is hosting a public meeting to giver updates regarding access issues on State Game Lands 51 & 138. If you are not aware of the current situation, please read their statement. This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom and you must register to receive the meeting link. The meeting will be recorded and […]

Philly Love Your Park

Philly Parks

This not an EPAC sponsored event but we do believe in promoting the events of our neighbors.   EPAC is working with various stewardship groups in Philly for work days specific to climbing sites. Until then, help support your local outdoor spaces through the Love Your Park event. There are over 100 events planned so […]

Mocanaqua-Tilbury Access Information Meeting


EPAC is inviting you to join us for a night of information sharing. We recently have had many questions about the current Mocanaqua closure on Earth Conservancy lands. We also see access opportunities and potential issues for Tilbury. We will update the climbing community on communications with land managers, stewardship projects and options for the […]

Boxcar Rocks Spring Clean-up 2022

Boxcar Rocks Gold Mine Rd, Jonestown, PA, United States

We need volunteers for an Adopt a Crag at Boxcar Rocks. Meet in the parking lot at 9:30am for an introduction to the local climbing organization, safety briefing, and prize […]

Gym To Crag – Radnor

Gravity Vault - Radnor 175 King of Prussia Rd, Radnor, PA, United States

EPAC's Gym to Crag is a FREE educational opportunity for indoor climbers who are curious about climbing outdoors. It will discuss the differences between indoor and outdoor climbing as well as provide resources for you to take next steps. FREE swag, raffles and more!  

Rising Nation River Journey

Delaware River

EPAC would like to bring awareness to an amazing event taking place in the region. "On August 24, 2002 an historic event took place at the Pennsbury Manor, the former […]

Gym to Crag – PRG East Falls

PRG -East Falls B-3 3500 Scotts Ln #3,, Philadelphia, PA, United States

EPAC's Gym to Crag is a FREE educational opportunity for indoor climbers who are curious about climbing outdoors. It will discuss the differences between indoor and outdoor climbing as well as provide resources for you to take next steps. FREE swag, raffles and more!  


Gym to Crag – PRG Oaks

PRG - Oaks E-520 122 Mill Rd, Oaks, PA, United States

EPAC's Gym to Crag is a FREE educational opportunity for indoor climbers who are curious about climbing outdoors. It will discuss the differences between indoor and outdoor climbing as well as provide resources for you to take next steps. FREE swag, raffles and more!  


Gym to Crag – Tufas

Tufas Boulder Lounge 1614 N 5th St, Philadelphia, PA, United States

EPAC's Gym to Crag is a FREE educational opportunity for indoor climbers who are curious about climbing outdoors. It will discuss the differences between indoor and outdoor climbing as well […]


Birdsboro Clean and Climb

Birdsboro - Old 82 Parking 2000 Hay Creek Rd, Birdsboro, PENNSYLVANIA (PA), United States

Please lend a hand to our friends at the Birdsboro Area Climbers Association. Volunteers needed to meet at the kiosk at 9:00 am Sept.10 to help keep the climbing area clean and safe! FREE LUNCH BBQ dinner, beverages and a RAFFLE at The CRUSHER at 6:00 pm for a small charge. READING ROCKS WILL BE […]

High Rocks Trail Day 2022

High Rocks Parking Area 150 Tory Rd, Pipersville, PA 18947, PENNSYLVANIA (PA), United States

National Public Lands Day is the annual clean-up and trail event at High Rocks. We are excited to welcome anyone (not just climbers) who want to help take care of […]


Haycock Clean up

Haycock - Top Rock 165 Top Rock Trail, Quakertown, PA, United States

The graffiti is back but we are ready to tackle it. Please lend a hand if you can! RSVP below so we can stay in touch about this event.   Things to know: Meet at Top Rock parking lot All supplies and personal protective equipment will be provided Wear clothes you don't love.....just in case […]
