Technical Trails Workshop
EPAC is excited to partner with Access Fund to present a technical trails workshop. The best thing about it? It's FREE. EPAC was able to secure a Regional Trail Workshop […]
EPAC is excited to partner with Access Fund to present a technical trails workshop. The best thing about it? It's FREE. EPAC was able to secure a Regional Trail Workshop […]
Please lend a hand to our friends at the Birdsboro Area Climbers Association. Volunteers needed to meet at the kiosk at 9:00 am to help keep the climbing area clean and safe! FREE LUNCH BBQ dinner, beverages and a RAFFLE at The CRUSHER at 6:00 pm for a small charge. READING ROCKS WILL BE THERE […]
National Public Lands Day is the annual clean-up and trail event at High Rocks. We are excited to welcome anyone (not just climbers) who want to help take care of this precious resource. Things to know: Come for all or come for part. All help is appreciated! Please bring whatever food or drink you need […]
Climbers for Bat Conservation (CBC), South Central PA Climbers (SCPC), Birdsboro Area Climbers Association (BACA) and Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance of Climbers (EPAC) are excited to host a workshop to better […]
SAVE THE DATE! Support our friends at South Central Pennsylvania Climbers for their two biggest fundraisers of the year! Details coming soon or check
Gym To Crag: 6-7pm FREE to attend! For those new to outdoor climbing or outdoor curious, this is a great way to get started. We also welcome seasoned climbers to join us and lend their experience and stories to the conversation. Community Meeting: 7-730pm FREE to attend! We invite climbers to take a moment and […]
SAVE THE DATE! Support our friends at South Central Pennsylvania Climbers for their two biggest fundraisers of the year! Details coming soon or check
Beginning February 1, a major portion of the Nockamixon Cliffs area of the park will be closed to all activity, including ice climbing. As in previous years, the closure is […]
Join us for another Gym to Crag presentation, meet EPAC and do some climbing.Gym To Crag: 7-8pmFREE to attend! For those new to outdoor climbing or outdoor curious, this is […]
Join us for another Gym to Crag presentation, meet EPAC and do some climbing. Gym To Crag: 7-8pm FREE to attend! For those new to outdoor climbing or outdoor curious, […]
Join us for another Gym to Crag!Gym To Crag: 7-8pm FREE to attend! For those new to outdoor climbing or outdoor curious, this is a great way to get started. […]
While not an EPAC event, we always support our neighbors and I am sure you will see EPAC folks out there. May 4: 9am - 5pm May 4: 9am - 12pm Go to the Birdsboro Facebook Group for more details.