On August 4, 2021, the Earth Conservancy held its second public meeting regarding the Newport Township OHV (Off Highway Vehicle) feasibility study. Over 10,000 acres of land, comprised of various parcels, is being considered. This includes all of the Mocanaqua climbing areas including the Library, Paradise, Main Wall, Squirrel Rock, Hawk Rock, The Penitentiary, and the Boulder Gardens.
EPAC Vice President, Joe Forte, attended the meeting to speak on behalf of the climbing community. He was in attendance and spoke at the first public meeting as well. EPAC has been in constant communication with members of the steering committee to ensure climbers have a voice in the process. Thus far, this has been appreciated and well received. Most recently, Joe was able to properly map climbing areas and access trails so that the steering committee had more accurate information.

Use this link to access the public meeting video. It will start at the public comments section with Joe Forte. To see the full slide shoe, start the video from the beginning.
You can find all of the information regarding on the project website.
EPAC will continue to keep you updated on any developments regarding this project.